
I feel like I’ve been cheating myself since the new year began.  I have so much to do and I ended up spending most of my time with a special someone who came to visit me over holiday (not complaining though), I ended up spending most if not all my money while they were here and now school has begun which brought on its own set of drama like always… I’m not trying to make excuses for not working on my stuff lately but life definitely got in the way this month and I’ve let January kind of slip by me.

Last night I realized that I have essentially a month and 2 weeks to shoot, print 2 fiber 12×14’s, and reprint 2 other shots onto 16×20 canvas for a photography show I’ll be participating in March with VoxSac.  I’ve been kinda hush-hush about it until now because I wasn’t sure if I’d be participating or not but this week I’m making it official.  OH yeah, that’s right!  Guess who conquered one of her resolutions before she even had a chance to tell anyone what her resolutions were???  ME. Even though I’m starting out kind of small its a step in the right direction.  I need the practice of showing my work and seeing what people like (and like to buy).  VoxSac seems like the right fit for me now to gain the experience of showing my artwork in a gallery type setting, as informal as it may be.  They’re a really down to earth artist collective and show all forms of art which is inspiring to me to see other budding artists and their beautiful work.  Eventually I’d like to show a large collection at the Viewpoint Gallery here in Sac but that is going to come at a much later time when my portfolio is a little more consistent.  I really respect what Viewpoint does and who they show so it would be a huge accomplishment for myself to show there since they are a gallery specifically for fine art photography.

But anyway, as soon as I get my school situation sorted out this week (hopefully) I plan to hop right back on track with what I’ve been trying to work on.  I haven’t been able to do much except assemble a panorama of the first location I shot for my book project, and I’ve been kind of toying with the idea of what I want things to look like. These things take time I guess, I’m not normally a patient person so this is a lesson of a lifetime.

Passing through small towns, Amtrak (35mm b&w, used a split filter during printing, spots you see are from the scan not the print)

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