Travel Tuesday: Lyttelton Timeball Station

I’ve been a little out of the loop about the status of ChCh (Christhchurch) since the big earthquake earlier this spring, the whole Japan tsunami/nuclear crisis kind of took over all media outlets and I failed to see that the Lyttelton Timeball Station is being demolished! It was one of FIVE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD still working, its so sad! I’m really glad I got to visit such an iconic landmark before it was destroyed though.

So in honor of poor little Lyttelton’s timeball, I give you my pictures from my visit…

I visited NZ in the dead of winter so when we made it over to Lyttelton it was cold, a little damp and the groundskeepers were taking the opportunity to fix some things on the lawn in front of the timeball station, so needless to say my shots were kind of limited, but it was really cool to see and read all the plaques about it and the view from up there is amazing. I just hope whatever they put in its place commemorates what a cool and historical site it was and I hope Lyttelton doesn’t loose any of its identity, cause its actually a really cool little port town, I just wish I had gone during the busy season.

Sometime in my life I’d like to make it back to New Zealand, but hopefully during warmer weather, I definitely underestimated how cold a country could get being so close to Antarctica, haha makes all the difference in the world. I’m very grateful however that I was able to get a looksee before this all happened. So long Timeball, its been real yo.

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